Amazon Fire Stick

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Science Fiction Author Dies

Arthur C. Clark, the author of 2001: A Space Odyessy, died last week at the age of 90. You know, he’s kind of the reason I’m here today. I read his fiction when I was in high school and decided I wanted to study science. I know some people don’t read science fiction because it’s “not real”, but I can’t help but wonder how many “real scientists” there are out there because a fiction writer like Clark inspired them.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rash is PEN/ Faulkner Finalist

With over 300 submissions, Chemistry and Other Stories, Carolina writer, Ron Rash's, short story collection was a runner-up for the 2007 PEN/Faulkner Award. I read it when it first came out and loved the stories (especially Chemistry). And I love the cover. This collection is on the shelf in The Middle Tyger River Library. It will be well worth your time. Congrats to Ron.

Monday, March 3, 2008

One Foot in Eden

I read it for the second time last week because our faculty Chat-N-Chew group will be discussing Ron Rash’s work this month. I have all his works, been reading them ever since Eureka Mills was first published by Hub City Writers Project back in 2001. And on April 30, the author will come speak to our students.
One Foot in Eden is one of those rare books that raise chill bumps on me when I’ve finished the last page and let it sink in. Look, even now as I think about it and type this, the fine hairs on my arms are sticking straight out. I’ll not give you a synopsis here and just say go to for that. But I will tell you that One Foot in Eden, which is Ron’s first novel, can take you through the whole gamut of emotions in about 200 pages. It haunted my dreams. Dang, that man can write!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Waterfall Videos

Take a look at Waterfall Rich's videos on YouTube. Very well done.